Man cutting tree

We love the tree service business!


We are a family company that works together and put our customers first. We are more than just a team we are family that works together to provide the best tree removal. Lake Tree Service is dedicated on providing one on one customer service which includes a free consulation to ensure you get exactly what you are looking for 


Lake Tree Service provides quality tree removal maintenance for residential, commercial and strata properties in West Michigan area. Our goal is to create natural, environmentally-friendly landscapes that are easy to care for. With decades of experience, Lake Tree Service offers a wide range of services that are listed on the Services page.  


Alfredo Cortes

Owner of Lake Tree Service

"I love bringing a smile to my customers when they see that our team did a well job done."

Lake Tree Service Team

Temo Chavez 


"I have been working with Lake Tree Service for about 3 years but have around 6 years of experience. I love the tree service bussiness 




Newton Cortes 

 Manager and Alfredo's son

"I enjoy working with my dad he gets things done and loves to work. I'm glad that I helped him bulid Lake Tree Service we make a great team together."


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